When the tramp reached the outskirts of the town and settled under a tree for the night, a local came running up to him and said, “The diamond! The diamond! Give me the precious diamond!”

"What diamond?" the tramp asked.

“Last night I was told in a dream that if I went to the edge of town at dusk, a tramp would give me a diamond that would make me rich forever.”

The tramp rummaged in his sack and pulled out a huge diamond - it was the size of a coconut.

He said, “They probably meant this. I found it on the path in my wanderings. Here, it’s yours if you want it.”

The man went home, gazing in wonder at the diamond.

All night he tossed about in bed.

At break of day, he returned to the tramp, woke him and said, “Give me the wealth that makes it possible for you to give this diamond away.”

Buddha replied, laughingly...."Look at life differently. You see me as a tramp. Others see me as an enlightened monk. You see this diamond as priceless. Others see it as a piece of rock. When you look through different eyes, you see different things - and you act accordingly."