Verbal and emotional abuse in the home (eg: screaming, raging, smashing objects in anger etc - in the presence of unwilling participants) are forms of domestic violence.

Are you a verbal abuser? Try this quiz....if you dare!

Click here for frequently asked questions about verbal abuse:

Here's a great site that deals with the subject of emotional abuse:


  • A headless chook can smell no rose. Slow down and enjoy your life!


  • A wealthy pauper loves fresh water. A wealthy fool forever thirsts. Life’s true riches abide in your attitude, not your wallet!


  • Getting angry is like eating a hot chilli sandwich - the more you bite, the more you burn.


  • Solitude and Good Company are on either side of the Happiness Coin. Enjoy both and you’ll win every toss.


  • Status hangs like tawdry tinsel. But happiness makes even tinsel glow. It matters not who you are, but how you are.


  • Rather than trying to carpet the world.......wear softer shoes.


  • "Mothership Earth" circles the sun without a pilot or a map. Relax.....most of life is automatic.


  • Raise not your voice to make a point - raise your point to give yourself voice.


  • Some people travel the world in search of blue skies - when all they really need do is wait. All clouds pass.....eventually!

  • Loneliness is the yearning of your imagination. Happiness is the flowering of your heart. Cultivate the things you love doing most.

  • The choice to live simply will not make you happy - yet the choice to be happy will make your life simple.

  • The lines between art and life do not exist. There is only one art to master....the art of living.


Here's a great site full of valuable information on keeping kids safe in cyberspace and in the home environment.

The viewing or accessing of pornography by children can harm their sexual and psychological development.

If you have children in your home....make sure your home is porn free.


You are not indispensable. I mention this, not to alarm you, nor to render you insecure but to inspire and reassure you. It means that the world does not need to rest entirely on your shoulders. It means that despite your enormous sense of concern and responsibility, it is not up to you to take care of everything and everyone.

You are scared of two contradictory things....

1. That someone will discover they can cope without you.
2. That nobody can manage without you and that you will, thus, never be free.

The good news is, there is a simple solution to your dilemma......

Enjoy life when you are needed.

Enjoy life when you are not.


The pensioner seemed quite impervious to what people thought of her.

When asked how she had attained this state of inner freedom, she laughed aloud and said,

“Till I was twenty I did not care what people thought of me. After twenty I worried endlessly about what my neighbours thought. Then one day after fifty I suddenly saw that they hardly ever thought of me at all!”

LIFE'S TOO SHORT waste on naysayers!!!

George, a middle aged bachelor, decides to take on some voluntary work....visiting with the elderly. He takes his first 'client' to the local cafe.

At Monk's Cafe, George and his charge enjoy a bowl of soup over some, er, light conversation.

Ben: No, I feel great for 85.

George: Y'know the average life span for an American male is like, 72. You're really... kinda pushin' the envelope there.

Ben: I'm not afraid of dyin'. I never think about it.

George: You don't? Boy, I think about it a lot. I think about it at my age. Imagine how much I'll be thinkin' about it at your age. All I'll do is keep thinkin' about it until it drives me insane...

Ben: I'm grateful for every moment I have.

George: Grateful? How can you be grateful when you're so close to the end? When you know that any second-- Poof! Bamm-O! It can all be over. I mean you're not stupid, you can read the handwriting on the wall. It's a matter of simple arithmetic, for Gods sake...

Ben: I guess I just don't care.

George: What are you talking about? How can you sit there and look me in the eye and tell that me you're not worried?! Don't you have any sense?!! Don't you have a brain!? Are you so completely senile that you don't know what you're talkin about anymore!!?!

Gee, I can't figure out why but Ben gets up to leave.

George: Wait a second, where are you going?

Ben: Life's too short to waste on you.

George: Wait a minute, please--

Ben: Get out of my way!!



The industrialist was horrified to find the fisherman sitting beside his boat, reading the paper.

“Why aren’t you out fishing?” said the industrialist.

“Because I have caught enough fish for the day.”

“Why don’t you catch some more?”

“What would I do with it?”

“Earn more money. Then you could have a motor fixed to your boat and go into deeper waters and catch more fish. That would bring you money to buy nylon nets, so more fish, more money. Soon you would have enough to buy two boats... even a fleet of boats. Then you could be rich like me.”

“What would I do then?”

“Then you could really enjoy life.”

“What do you think I’m doing now?”

Which would you rather have: a fortune or a capacity for enjoyment.


The more you enjoy
the little things in life....
the less you need the big things.....
and the happier you will be!

HEAVEN AND HELL - A Zen perspective

A big tough samarai once went to see a little monk. “Monk,” he said, in a voice accustomed to instant obedience, “teach me about heaven and hell!”

The monk looked up at this mighty warrior and replied with utter disdain, “Teach you about heaven and hell? I couldn’t teach you about anything. You’re dirty. You smell. Your blade is rusty. You’re a disgrace, an embarrassment to the samarai class. Get out of my sight. I can’t stand you.”

The samarai was furious. He shook, got all red in the face, was speechless with rage. He pulled out his sword and raised it above him, preparing to slay the monk.

“That’s hell,” said the monk softly.

The samarai was overwhelmed. The compassion and surrender of this little man who had offered his life to give this teaching to show him hell! He slowly put down his sword, filled with gratitude, and suddenly peaceful.

“And that’s heaven,” said the monk softly.


Dance as if no one is watching
Love as though you’ve never been hurt
Sing as if no one can hear you
And live as if heaven is on earth


How do I change a behaviour I want to change when the decision to act that way feels involuntary?

All of the behaviours that most need to be changed feel involuntary. They are your compulsions, fixations, obsessions, and, most strong of all, your addictions. These are the parts of yourself that are out of control. When you hear words that you do not want to hear, for example, and you are suddenly enraged, or withdrawn, you have encountered a part of yourself that is controlled by external circumstances.

If you see an open bottle of alcohol and you cannot resist taking a drink, or you find a willing sexual partner and you cannot resist engaging in sex, you have encountered a part of yourself that is out of control. Every painful emotion, and the responses that they create in you, feels involuntary. That is because they originate in parts of your personality that are operating outside the field of your awareness. In psychology, these parts are called the “unconscious” parts of your personality although each one has its own consciousness - its own agenda, values and perceptions. They are said to be “unconscious” because you are not aware of them until they become active, and you suddenly find yourself irritated, angry, jealous, vengeful or frightened.

It is difficult to approach these parts of yourself because it is often shameful, and always painful to do so. No one likes admitting that he or she is prejudiced, for example, yet most people have parts of themselves that are. Until those parts are acknowledged and healed, prejudice will be a part of their lives, no matter how much they might detest prejudices of any kind.

The behaviours in yourself that appear to you to be involuntary are the places to start your spiritual journey. They are the flags that tell you that you have inner work to do. That inner work begins with feeling all that you are feeling the next time you encounter an involuntary behaviour. When you do, you will discover that much of what you are feeling is painful. The first step in creating authentic power in your life is to begin to experience the painful emotions that torment you without trying to make them disappear by reaching outwards to manipulate and control the circumstances around you - by shouting at someone, for example, or drinking, eating, having sex, buying something new, or any of the many ways that you have used in the past to make yourself feel better, safer, and more lovable.

As you become aware of the unconscious parts of your personality, and begin to challenge them, you will find that although their power is strong, the behaviours that they desire are not involuntary. The more you challenge them, the more they lose power over you. Eventually, their power over you disintegrates.

That is how to change an involuntary behaviour. It is also how to create authentic power.

Here is the link to this author's website.